
Knights on Bikes Application

If you are a member of the Knights of Columbus in good standing with your Council, and you own or ride a motorcycle (2 or 3 wheeled highway rated) you are encouraged to join us! Being Knights in good standing with our KofC councils and being regular participants in the Catholic Mass helps us to all be united as Catholic Gentlemen. We represent Christ, the Holy Catholic Church, and the Knights of Columbus. We must always carry ourselves in a way that shows our Catholic Faith to the world around us.

We are a recruitment and retention program of our councils and the state KofC family. it is important to have any questions answered now before completing the application. Please contact Utah State President with any questions you may have.

After you have all of your questions answered, please proceed to the Knights on Bikes application below. May I suggest a time of prayer, reflection, and conversations with anyone in your household prior to proceeding to the application. It is important that our families and our Catholic Faith are with us in all that we do. We are NOT a MC, a MO, a MM or any other sort of Motorcycle "club." We are members of the Knights of Columbus that enjoy motorcycles, nothing more, nothing less. 

Viva Christo Rey!